Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct. 13 Exercise

1. Population of Whitman County: 41,664
2. 85 percent white
3. 48.2 percent with a bachelor's degree
4. Median household income: $32,083
5. 26.7 percent below poverty level

2008 construction costs: $14,007,013
2007: $31,922,839
2006: $34,549,367
2005: $40,062,508
2004: $21,793,767

Most current: August 2009 $$7,170,166

1. Two counties that have the highest percentage of uninsured: San Juan County and Whitman County
2. Whitman County percentage uninsured is 29.2 percent

1. The Office of Financial Management for the state of Washington comes up first
2. Total change in population was 1,960
3. Natural increase was 1,324
4. Natural change is births, deaths, etc.

1. The Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee Meeting is on Oct. 15 at 2 p.m.
2. They suggest not giving the shots to anyone expect those who have underlying health conditions for swine flu

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